



Wednesday, 27 March 2013

5 Things I Love

1. Rik Lee - His art is simply amazing - I'm in awe. I don't think I need to write anymore, his work says it all http://riklee.tumblr.com. You can also buy t-shirts, cards, stickers etc with his prints.

2. Coca Cola - Coke is my favourite beverage by far. I don't drink coffee, I don't like it, and I don't like tea either. So, for my caffeine boost it's a can of Coca Cola. I love it. 

3. The Pretty Little Liars Season 3 Finale - Pretty Little Liars has gripped me from when I first started watching it and has had me hook line and sinker ever since. The viewers now believe they know who the mysterious 'Red Coat' is, but in the usual PLL style, we've been left with more questions than answers. Plus, with the Spoby reunion I think it's fair to say I'm now a Spoby shipper! I cannot wait until Season 4!

4. Easter - I'm not religious but I love a good excuse to eat a lot of chocolate, and easter is just that! 

5. Surprise Parties - It's my step dad's birthday on Sunday so me and my mum are planning a surprise. We live in the north east of England and my step dad's family live in Essex (6+ hours away), so we don't get to see them that often. His mum and dad come up once or twice a year, but we only see his sister every few years, so we're planning for them to come up and stay for a few days. He has no idea and it's brilliant, I can't wait to see his face, and bake him a cake!

Sunday, 24 March 2013

The Dreaded 'Smart Casual'

You feel like you're ready for your interview - you've had your nails manicured, your hair trimmed and you've picked out your smartest clothes - and then you realise that the dress code is 'smart casual'. Your heart sinks. What is smart casual? What do I wear? Well, don't panic, it's easy. Here I'll show you a few possible combinations for your interview that will surely meet the dress code.

A blouse is a great alternative to a typical stiff shirt; it's less 'banker' and more feminine whilst still looking smart. Adding a pair of jeans gives the outfit a casual edge, but when wearing jeans make sure you stay away from trainers/tennis shoes! Both of these items together is too casual.

A simple vest top can be smartened up with a blazer jacket, but isn't overly smart like a shirt and blazer. Again a pair of jeans is perfect with this outfit, but if jeans aren't your thing then black trousers should work fine. Don't overdo it on the accessories - pick one or two items that stand out, but aren't in your face. A collar necklace is ironic but fits well, looking both smart and casual. If you have to walk far then try to find pair of shoes that are comfortable, but are still dressy. Ankle boots work great.

When choosing a bag, make sure you have enough room for all of your 'interview items'. The interviewer should tell you what you need to take along. A structured handbag is ideal, as well as a satchel. Avoid backpacks! Whilst they're in fashion at the moment I still feel like they are too casual.

Friday, 22 March 2013

Book Review - Gone Girl by Gillian Flynn

Gone Girl by Gillian Flynn has had a brilliant reception throughout the English speaking world, but was especially popular in the US. It has reached the New York Best Sellers List as well as the Kindle Best Sellers List. Gone Girl is fitted into the psychological thriller genre, although I'd be willing to debate this. The novel's suspense comes for an uncertainty about one of the main characters', Amy Dunne's, disappearance, and whether her husband, Nick Dunne, is responsible. 

I was instantly engaged with this book due to its psychological thriller genre and interesting synopsis, but the further I got into the book the more disappointed I was. 30% in and I was bored. Bored stiff. I carried on reading in the hope that the next chapter would be more interesting, but it wasn't. I then reached the 50% mark and seriously debated putting the book down, but I have this compulsion to finish a book, so I carried on. I was yet to reach the 'psychological thriller' part of the book, and all I'd read was a boring account of a poor marriage where both husband and wife were unlikable characters. I didn't sympathise with Amy (which I think I was supposed to), and I was frustrated with Nick. 

I then reached a point where I thought something exciting was about to happen relating to Amy's disappearance, but alas, it was just another reason why their marriage was going down the drain. 

The second half got off to a brilliant start, however. The psychological edge was added and I was drawn in the to characters questionable personality (I won't give any spoilers away, you'll know what I mean if you've read it). The last third felt like it was written in a rush, and then after the 'big reveal' is revealed within the world of the story, it crashes and burns. I was left stunned, wondering how it could have ended that way. Technically I can understand if this was real life why the story finished like that, it would make sense. But, it's not real life. It's a book. And I wasn't left satisfied. 

I gave this 1 star for it's unusual plot line, but overall I was immensely disappointed. 

Thursday, 14 March 2013

5 Things I Love

This is a new feature on my blog called "5 things I love" and I will try to post it every week. It's just what it says on the tin - 5 things that I love this week. I hope you enjoy reading, and let me know in the comments what things you love!

1. Chocolate Spread - My favourite food stuff at the minute, simply because it's so versatile and easy to use. There are tons of ways I have it, and here are a few:

  • spread on toast
  • in a sandwich with banana
  • melted so I can pour it over a croissant
  • melted to dip a banana into

2. A Beautiful Mess - This inspired me to keep going with my blog, and reading it is a great help when it comes to thinking up things to post, and also crafts I can do around the house. It's definitely my biggest influence right now. I suggest you check this blog out by Elsie and Emma!

3. Joey Quinn - For those of you who don't know who Joey Quinn is, he's a fictional character on the TV show Dexter. My step dad, who knows about my odd obsession with serial killers and forensics, suggested I start watching this show a few months ago, and so I did. Dexter is no ordinary serial killer (if there's such a thing), he works in the forensic department for Miami Metro - Homicide. So, when he's not catching criminals to kill, he's helping catch them for the police department. But back to Quinn. I'm watching the 6th season right now and Quinn isn't in a good place. I won't give it away to anybody who's thinking of watching the show or isn't yet up to this point, but I'm feeling more and more sorry for him, and falling in love with yet another fictional character. 

4. Emeli Sandé Our Version of Events Album - This lady has a truly remarkable voice and her album is amazing. It's my go to music right now, I have her album on all the time. Her cover of Imagine is beautiful, I suggest you check it out. 

5. Peter Pan - I may only be 19, but I'm craving my youth again. I dropped out of college because of an illness and I'm just getting back on my feet 2 years later, meaning I'm getting my first proper job. I was wishing I was back at school when everything was easy and that got me thinking about Peter Pan, and being young forever. So right now I love Peter Pan because he's everything I want to be. It's also got me thinking about my first tattoo. I know I want a dream catcher on the top of my arm, but I want something smaller to get first, so I can get the feel of it. Something from Peter Pan would be perfect.

Tuesday, 12 March 2013

My Blog Planners

Starting a new blog is a lot of hard work, but thinking of things to post is also hard. That's why I decided to create myself some blog planners. These include a monthly, weekly and post planner where I can write down all of my post details in simple terms and in detail. There is also a rough ideas page where I can put the thoughts in my head down on paper.

I'm also feeling generous so I'm putting them right here for you to download and use for nothing in return!

Just follow this link, save and print!


Wednesday, 6 March 2013

March Wishlist

1. Pashley Poppy Bicycle

The rest of the items on my wishlist centre around this. I've wanted a bike for a while, and now that spring is pretty much here, and summer is right around the corner, it seems like the perfect time. I visited my local bike shop and got some ideas from them about what I needed, and they gave me some websites to have a look at. I showed the list to my step-dad who is an avid cyclist and he recommended for me to try Pashley. A couple of styles caught my eye so I went to a bike shop that stocked Pashley's and asked to see this bike - the Poppy. As soon as I saw it I knew it was the one - the classic style and pastel blue colour were exactly what I'd been looking for. The only thing that stopped me taking it there and then was the price - £450. It is less than I expected but I just don't have the money right now, so I need to start saving, and quick. Like I said - summer is just around the corner. 

2. Pashley Lunchbox Saddle Bag

Using cute accessories is the best way to personalise my bike, and Pashley have a gorgeous range of bags. The problem is that they're quite expensive. This one runs at £145, more than I'm willing to pay right now. However, if I find a job that pays well I don't see why I shouldn't treat myself as I'm yet to find one that I like as much as this. There is also another style of saddle bag that I like on their website which is a lot cheaper so maybe I'll go for that one instead. 

3. Pashley Wicker Basket

I will definitely be buying myself a wicker basket for my bike and I am leaning towards to Pashley one. It seems like a good idea to buy the same make as my bike as it should fit nicely and tie in with the style of the bike. I am excited to customise the basket though, hopefully with different fabrics to create a cover for whatever I have in there, or to line the basket with. Also, weaving flowers through the wicker is something I want to try. Of course, when I get it I will experiment with all kinds of things and see what works well, and will document my experiments right here for you.


Pashley Cycles is England's longest established bicycle manufacturer. Founded in 1926 and based in Stratford-upon-Avon, their dedicated team design and hand-build a unique range of specialist bicycles and tricycles.

Tuesday, 5 March 2013

Favourite February Buys

I spent a lot of money last month, and only now am I realising it. But there were a few things I got that I definitely do not regret buying, and here they are.

1. Topshop Geometric Cut Out Necklace

I love this necklace so much - it looks great tightly fastened with a shirt or blouse on their own or under a jumper. Unfortunately I cannot find it on the Topshop website but it may still be available in stores. I got this one at the Metro Centre in Gateshead. I buy a lot of my costume jewellery from Topshop so its worth having a look to see what else they have.

2. Topshop Satchel

I've been looking for a satchel for so long that I'd almost given up hope. Whenever I found one they were always too expensive or not the type I was after, but then I saw this one in Topshop and fell in love. The baby pink edging goes really well with the grey of the bag, and I find I can use this with just about any outfit. Plus, at £28 it's a steal! (The colour on the website looks a lot lighter than what it actually is)

3. Topshop Nail Varnish in Firework

This nail varnish is super cute and pretty subtle for a glitter nail varnish. It could be worn on its own or as a top coat. It's kind of similar to Nails Inc's holographic topcoat except it has a purple tint instead of silver, plus its not as see-through. It's also half the price! I'm always impressed with Topshop nail varnishes and I find them a lot better than the more expensive Nails Inc ones. Definitely give them a try - there's a colour for everyone!